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Organising Question You referred to the principles of management in your last advice shop, what does organising entail and how different is this from the other principles Asif - Bristol Answer There are different ways of looking at the work that managers do. One way is to look at this from a traditional view of the process of managers at work. The sequence of activities suggests that managers plan, organise, staff, lead, and control. Organising deals with the activities of determining the tasks, assessing the capacity, setting up the structure of the organisation to meet the objectives, and scheduling the [...]

By |2017-02-11T20:42:47+00:00March 31st, 2016|community development, economic development|0 Comments

Do You Mean Business?

  First published in VS Magazine February 1990 Some people think that you just get an idea, a bank loan and then you are in business. This may be true for a few people, but for the majority of us it takes a little longer. Ade Sawyerr looks at the strategies that you need to apply when you say ‘I want to start a business, and mean it’. TO START • You need to have a sound idea of the product or service you want to supply. • There must be a viable market for which demand is likely to [...]

Reaping benefits of the brain drain – Ade Sawyerr, Equinox Consulting

Reaping benefits of the brain drain – Ade Sawyerr, Equinox Consulting As the British government continues its tough talk on the need to control economic migration one wonders when governments of the country of origin of these migrants will start implementing policies and programmes that would attract these seasoned professionals and their children back home to help contribute to the prosperity of economies much in the same way they are doing in Britain. This diatribe against migrants flies in the face of continued schemes such as the work permit system and the Highly Skilled Migrant Visas that are meant to attract [...]

Do Black People Feel Excluded From Brixton? Do Black People Feel Excluded From Brixton? As new communities move in, original residents ask what happened to the heart of Black Britain Written by Ade Sawyerr and Maxine James 25/04/2015 10:00 AM LOCAL LANDMARK: The street market in Electric Avenue, BrixtonDOWN TO: The market in Electric Avenue. THERE WAS a time in this country when the mention of Brixton symbolised the experience of Caribbean people in Britain. While this is still true to a large extent – Brixton is home to the Black Cultural Archives, and rightly so – it seems to be the only legacy [...]