Capacity Building – Stronger, cohesive and more involved communities

Our capacity building work gives us the opportunity to work with people from the voluntary sector in groups or on a one to one basis providing them with support on different issues that include:
These skills include:
•Governing documents and registration
•Quality Assurance
•Finance and Fundraising issues
•Project Development
•Clarification of Mission and objectives

A variety of methods are used to deliver this aspect of our work. But before we can offer any assistance we need to explore issues that will provide some insight into the group. The questions asked will help to:
•Determine the state of the group, its characteristics and services
•Establish their needs
•Estimate the nature and intensity of assistance
•Use the most appropriate method to deliver the intervention

We are able to provide hands on support to the organisation over a period of time at their convenience and assist most of the groups with fundraising support. We work on regeneration and renewal projects and with groups from disadvantaged and socially excluded communities

We are able to provide hands on support to the organisation over a period of time at their convenience and assist most of the groups with fundraising support. We work on regeneration and renewal projects and with groups from disadvantaged and socially excluded communities

We assist in consultations often acting as honest brokers between members of partnerships. We adopt a principle approach to regeneration and renewal based on these tenets of:
•What the public sector intends to achieve
•How private sector can participate
•What will work and how
•How the community will be involved

We are also called to be involved in consultations that require that responses to government documents and plans should have the voice of the community or interest groups.

We ensure that these sessions are:
•Properly planned
•invite relevant participants
•an excellent facilitator is provided
•the issues are clearly presented
•responses from participants are accurately recorded
•new proposals and actions emerge
•a report is provided setting out conclusions and recommendations
•action plan for implementation is presented

More information on Capacity Building