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The changing needs of the community and voluntary sector – Lambeth

The changing needs of the community and voluntary sector - Lambeth   Cuts to public sector funding have impacted on the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) at national, regional and local levels. This has exacerbated some of the difficulties that voluntary and community organisations have faced over the last two decades as they have adapted to various government initiatives to regulate its relationship with the sector.  . Some of the major transitions have made it relatively difficult to define the sector and this is further complicated by issues relating to emerging communities and the changing role of the VCS in [...]


Planning Question:  You referred to the principles of management in your last advice shop, what are these principles and how does one implement them Asif. Bristol Answer: Most successful endeavours start with a plan, but all not all plans are successfully implemented. The flip side to this is that most endeavours that do not succeed do not have good plans. This must suggest to you that planning is the most important activity within the framework of management. It is also perhaps the first activity in the scheme of things. The other management activities are organising, staffing, leadership and control. The [...]

‘Africans Were In Britain Before The English…’

‘Africans Were In Britain Before The English…’ This powerful statement of fact is how historian Peter Fryer started his seminal book Staying Power (Pluto Press, 1984) documenting the black presence in Britain Posted in Voice Newspaper 28/12/2015 10:00 AM SONGSTRESS: An unnamed member of The African Choir from South Africa who played concerts for a high-profile audience including Queen Victoria, courtesy of Hulton Archive/Getty Images   IT IS a notion that would confound most people, particularly against the backdrop of today’s fierce debate on migration. Yet the truth remains that African history in Britain stretches back to the 3rd Century when [...]

Reaping benefits of the brain drain – Ade Sawyerr, Equinox Consulting

Reaping benefits of the brain drain – Ade Sawyerr, Equinox Consulting As the British government continues its tough talk on the need to control economic migration one wonders when governments of the country of origin of these migrants will start implementing policies and programmes that would attract these seasoned professionals and their children back home to help contribute to the prosperity of economies much in the same way they are doing in Britain. This diatribe against migrants flies in the face of continued schemes such as the work permit system and the Highly Skilled Migrant Visas that are meant to attract [...]

Do Black People Feel Excluded From Brixton? Do Black People Feel Excluded From Brixton? As new communities move in, original residents ask what happened to the heart of Black Britain Written by Ade Sawyerr and Maxine James 25/04/2015 10:00 AM LOCAL LANDMARK: The street market in Electric Avenue, BrixtonDOWN TO: The market in Electric Avenue. THERE WAS a time in this country when the mention of Brixton symbolised the experience of Caribbean people in Britain. While this is still true to a large extent – Brixton is home to the Black Cultural Archives, and rightly so – it seems to be the only legacy [...]

Supporting Black and Minority Ethnic Carers in Gloucestershire

Supporting Black and Minority Ethnic Carers in Gloucestershire Throughout this country there are a lot of people who care, unpaid, for a family member or friend who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support, and provides assistance to them in diverse ways. Conventional wisdom in this country suggests that most ethnic minority people will do so for their loved ones, children and relatives and indeed should see it not just as a labour of love but as an obligation or duty, but the fact of this unpaid duty can leave you [...]